Good Evening
Our lawmakers routinely make "boos-boos", stupid mistakes and face-plants. However the one I would like to focus on this evening is one which saw a large protest staged outside the houses of parliament involving face-sitting. Yes you know it, the new regulations on porn made in the UK.
I have several issues with this policy. Firstly I watch porn. I am not ashamed of this. Many women now admit to enjoy seeing the odd erotic film. I enjoy watching various different types depending on my mood. As a woman who has been in a loyal relationship for four and a half years it is nice to sometimes live vicariously. To fantasise if you will.
But why did our law makers feel it necessary to punish women (ban on showing female ejaculation), people whose tastes are different (BDSM) and homosexuals (ban on face-sitting although of course this applies in heterosexual sex as well). But the overriding factor on this is a ban on female pleasure.
Yet gangs of men sleeping with one women and ejaculating upon her is allowed. No that's good sport, they cry. Anal sex, well we can't ban that, they demand. Well I am not being funny but if those acts are allowed then surely they can show a woman enjoying them. Or other acts.
This law was put in place in order to protect the vunerable and young. Fair enough, anything to protect our children I would whole heartedly agree with. But banning female ejaculation? Yes, that makes sense. This is totally been put in place to protect.
Furthermore, instead of changing rules to "bring them in line with modern times" why don't you focus on bankers bonuses and taxes loopholes Mr Cameron? Surely this would be a better use of your time?
Best Wishes
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